Curriculum Vitae

Ing. Ondřej Brablc
Birth date
12 September 1974
Prague, Czech Republic
+420 774 311 228
Czech (EU)
Work experience
October 2024 - now
PureStorage, Prague, Czech Republic
System Reliability Engineer
Observability platform for Cloud Storage
Azure, Kubernetes/Flux, TerraForm
Ansible, Logstash, Elastic Stack, FluentBit
July 2024 - now
SL/Audit, Prague, Czech Republic
Early stage start-up developing SLA audit as a service
July 2013 - June 2023
Shoptet, a.s., Prague, Czech Republic
Chief Technology Officer / Director of Operations
Management of operations team, Database architect, Solution architect
  • Release automatization (CI/CD)
  • Early Access Program - support for multiple versions in production
  • Siloization - architecture restructuring to increase platform resilience
  • Platform status reporting -
  • Opsgenie for alerting and escalations, on-call support introduction
  • Support for CloudFlare (CDN, avoiding of MITM)
  • Automatic detection and blocking of DDoS attacks on L7
StatusPage, Opsgenie, Grafana, Prometheus, Jira, Asana, GitLab
Proxmox, MariaDb Galera Cluster, Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, Nginx+, HaProxy, Redis, Let's Encrypt, ELK, RabbitMQ, Postfix, UML, PHP, Bash, R
Management of development, operations and QA team (until 2019)
  • - e-commerce platform architecture (growth from 1000 to 30000 tenants, 50% of the national market)
  • Shoptet Core - early development, partial product management, architecture
  • Shoptet API - RESTful backend API
Phabricator, Testomato
MariaDb Galera Cluster, Elasticsearch, Nginx, HaProxy, Redis, Let's Encrypt, ELK, RabbitMQ, Postfix, UML, PHP, Bash, R
Project and product management, roadmap planning
  • Project name: Shoptet Open Frontend Architecture
  • Initial idea, team recruitment, backend architecture
  • Successful delivery of pilot project
  • Base for (a new revenue stream for Shoptet company)
React/Next.js, Kubernetes/Docker, Github, GitLab CI
Management of helpdesk team (until end of 2015)
2005 -
Open source author and partner
Partner of - Free Award-Winning File Manager (1 mil downloads every month)
Owner of SiteBar - The Bookmark Server for Personal and Team Use (retired project)
April 2009 - June 2013
Mladá fronta a.s. - Division Online, Prague, Czech Republic
Technical Director
Management of acquisition integrations
Management of software development and operations teams
Upgrade of HA architecture to use multihomed autonomous system (secured one of last IPv4 ranges for company)
UML, PHP, MySQL, HaProxy, Varnish, Zabbix, RrdTool, Munin
April 2008 - March 2009
FunPower s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic
Technical Director
Management of internet video related projects
  • Internet video portal N-JOY.CZ
  • Video services,
Action Script 2.0, PHP (Zend, Symfony), OpenX, JavaScript (jQuery), Red5 (AS + Java)
April 2008 - September 2008
External Consultant
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Developer
  • Optimalization and performance tuning (sqlite, javascript)
  • History sidebar grouping refactoring
July 2006 - March 2008
AllPeers, s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic
Director of Engineering
Peer-to-peer file sharing extension for Mozilla Firefox using trusted private network [see Wikipedia]
January 2001 - June 2006
Kucera IPC GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
IT Manager
Projects for Deutsche Börse, A.G.: Eurex, Risk Management
UML, XML, XSLT, DHTML, C++ (STL), Embedded SQL C, ORACLE Rdb 7, Open VMS, Perl
August 1999 - December 2000
Protea, s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic
Developer/Team Leader
Projects for Deutsche Börse, A.G.: Integrated Clearinghouse 2000, Risk Management
March 1999 - July 1999
NCR Česká republika, Prague, Czech Republic
Professional Services Consultant
Interface between Self Service Terminal and Živnostenská banka back-end applications
Embedded SQL C, ORACLE 8
1997 - April 1999
Andy Software (self employed from August 1998)
Programmer - analyst, consultant, database administrator
Development of a banking software for co-operative thrifts or similar small financial corporations
Amount of capital managed by the software was about 200 millions Kč in May 1999. Development finished in April 1999 (handed over to the software company PMM s.r.o.). Implementations:
  • Živnostenská družstevní záložna (23 branches)
  • ABLE makléřský dům, a.s. (10 branches)
Delphi 3.0, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 - replicated database, Microsoft VBA via OLE
Winter semester 1997
Department of Information Technologies, University of Economics, Prague
Deputy instructor of the subject Programming in SQL Windows (GUPTA)
August 1996 - March 1999
Section of Computer Labs Operation, Computer Center, University of Economics, Prague
Programmer - analyst, database and network administrator
Author and administrator of the following systems
  • Access Authorization using Identification Cards
  • Computer Labs Reservation
  • Transfer program between money chips and Novell print account
  • Development of programs for network and e-mail administration
Delphi 3.0, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5, MS Visual C++ 5.0, Borland Pascal 7.0 (Turbo Vision), Borland C++ 3.1 (Turbo Vision), Perl
January 1996 - June 1996
Municipal Authority's employees training and consultation (Prague 10).
MS Windows 95, MS Office
1996 - February 1999
Master's degree
Major specialization: Information technologies
  • Projecting and management of information systems
  • Information technologies: networks, operating systems
  • Databases: relation, distributed
  • Object oriented programming
Diploma work topic: Identification cards - access authorization [Zipped MS Word 8.0 CZ - 180KB]
Minor specialization: Expert systems
1993 - 1996
Bachelor's degree
Specialization: Informatics
1989 - 1993
High school
Specialization: Math - Physics, Informatics
Other skills
English - fluent
German - fluent [Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung mit der Gesamtnote sehr gut]
Spanish - beginner
Russian - elementary
Czech - native